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Upper Lighthorne Community Newsletter | 3/2023 | Issue 3

Welcome to the March issue of Upper Lighthorne Community News, a place to share information, events, developments, and changes happening in our parish. We are a parish in the process of great change being supported by a team of dedicated parish, district, and county councillors (www.upperlighthorneparishcouncil.co.uk)

We have many assets, our local shop in Lighthorne Heath for example is a vital service and is situated next to the Village Hall. The Village Hall has a range of activities including pilates, warm hub, coffee morning, food-share, first aid courses and Easter fun day, all of which you can find information on in the following pages. The Village Hall is always looking for new ideas and volunteers, so if you wish to get involved with up and coming events such as the first-aid course, warm hub or volunteering, please get in touch with the Village Hall or the local community champion at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Village Hall also houses a Post Office, open Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 11.00am-2.00pm.

Lighthorne Heath Primary School, at the end of Stratford Road, is our small village school for children aged 4 to 11 years old. They are a very friendly, welcoming, and caring school which has the Children and Family Centre next to it. Barnardo’s run the Children & Families Centre in Lighthorne Heath and amongst other things are hosting a series of nature walks for families facilitated by WCC Family learning. Further information on upcoming events can be found on the Facebook page @StratfordChildrensCentres or call Lighthorne Heath Children & Family Centre on 01926 691105.

The nearest church in the Mid Fosse parish is Lighthorne village and Lighthorne Heath holds service “walks” and community services at the Lighthorne Health Village Hall. For more information on events such as the church gardening group please contact Gillian on 07548 168530 or see the Mid-fosse parish magazine which comes through for door monthly or visit the website and Facebook.


Upper Lighthorne Community Newsletter | 3/2023 | Issue 3 - Read More